Questions related to E-Stim for beginners

All the common questions that all beginners seem to ask. Remember there is no such thing as a 'stupid' question, as everyone, even we had to start somewhere.
Do I need to use conductive gel?
Generally Yes. We find a small amount of gel on the surface of the skin helps to improve contact, but any form of water based gel or lube will work. Pinwheels on dry skin doesn't give a very good response.
What is the difference between TENS and E-Stim?
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is the use of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes.
TENS machines are designed for pain relief, they are not designed for sexual stimulation or pleasure. They tend to be less powerful and have levels of control and modes more suited to medical therapy than sexual pleasure or torment. - It is one of the reasons some have a treatment timer, that shuts everything off after 30 minutes of treatment - something you might not want just as things become interesting.
TENS machines tend to have unusual connectors which make it hard to use different electrodes.
What does it feel like?
Electroplay is a wonderful flexible range of sensations that can be varied from a mild to a more intense 'tingling' feeling. It is direct stimulation of the nerve ends much like a vibrator but since it operates directly on the nervous system it give a deeper, more intense feeling. All people are different so some people will find certain levels and settings to be more pleasurable.. the secret is to take your time and experiment, but above all be safe.
Can I use it on my husband?
Of course there is no reason why you cannot use it on your husband but we would suggest you ask him first!
Do I really have to use conductive gel?
No you do not "HAVE TO" use conductive gel, but in the majority of cases we do find it improves the contact between the electrode and subject. So the end of the day it is a case of personal choice.
Can I use a condom on the electrodes?
No, as e-stim electrodes rely on contact with the body, a condom will provide an insulator, preventing the electrode from working. The best method to ensure protection from infection is to ensure that you have your own electrodes and you don't share with others. Ensure you clean the electrodes thoroughly both before and after use.
Can I use e-stim across my nipples?
Despite what you might see on electro sex groups we strongly advise against using any E-Stim equipment across the nipples. The heart is a rather important piece of your body that runs on electrical signals ...Passing a current across the chest from any E-Stim equipment MAY disrupt its operation. To play safe stick to stimming below the waist (and remember hand to hand may pass across the chest.. a definite NO.NO.)
If you know exactly what you are doing it is possible to undertake safe electro nipple play, with specialised equipment such as the E-Stim Systems 2B and BiPolar EClips.
How Safe is E-Stim?
E-Stim companies only generally sell units on the strict understanding that they are novelty items, but good advice would be to only purchase from a well known manufacturer with a good reputation and with a control unit that is CE marked. Beware of imported TENS units that are not designed for electroplay as well as using second hand and adapted equipment
Electroplay itself does have a couple of safety considerations, mainly to ensure that no current passes through the heart or across the chest, especially if pacemakers or other medical devices are in use. Based on this you should NOT use any form of Electro Stimulation if you have a heart condition, suffer from Epilepsy or are pregnant.
Contact points should be secure and if possibly lubricated, E-Stim could possibly cause burns at high levels with small contact areas.
What is the difference between BiPolar and Monopole electrodes?
E-Stim needs two points of contact to work (think batteries). We sometimes call this positive(+) and negative(-), but technically with E-Stim they are just two points of contact.
BiPolar electrodes have both points of contact in the same electrode, Monopole electrodes are just a single point of contact, so to get a monopole electrode to work, you need to use two at the same time (Sticky Pad and a single conductive rubber loop, ElectroWhisker and a Sticky pad.
Will it leave marks?
Generally E-Stim with made for play dedicated units doesn't leave marks, unless you are using it for long periods of time, or at very high levels. But should you incur any adverse reactions, such as skin tenderness while using an Electro-Stimulation unit it is recommended that you discontinue its use. Electrical play with violetwands is known to cause marking.
Can I use e-stim with piercings?
The normal advice is no, but it is possible with a little care. Because peircings normally offer a small contact area resulting in high current density this might possibly result in burns, however if the piercing is relatively old (6 months +) and you start with low levels and plenty of water based lube, some interesting effects can be had.
Can E-Stim cause burns?
Generally no, but with high levels, and a very small contact area it is possible to cause minor irritation or redness.
what is the difference between E-Stim and TENS?
TENS machines are designed for pain relief, they are not designed for sexual stimulation or pleasure. They tend to be less powerful and have levels of control and modes more suited to medical therapy. - It is one of the reasons some have a treatment timer, that shuts everything off after 30 minutes of treatment - something you might not want just as things become interesting. TENS machines tend to have unusual connectors which make it hard to use different electrodes.
Why do some boxes have more than 2 channels - are they better?
Based on experience two is the optimum number. Units with more channels are more likely to be relabeled TENS or electro acupuncture machines rather than made for play units.
Is e-stim just for men?
Most certainly not. Women, men and of course couples can all find enjoyment in using estim. Women and men will generally find different aspects appeal in different ways but that is the essence of electro play. Finding out what you enjoy is all part of the pleasure!
What is Electrosex?
Electrosex, is just another name for electrostimulation, e-stim and electroplay. Basically it is using electricity to stimulate the body in some very interesting and varied ways. Electrosex might also refer to the practice of having sex while using E-Stim, which is generally considered to be slightly risky as it can involve current passing through the chest.
What is the difference between e-stim and a vibrator?
E-Stim uses electrical stimulation waveforms to generate the sensation, vibrators use mechanical motion. Generally E-Stim is nearly silent, Vibrators are not.
What is the difference between E-Stim and EMS?
EMS units, or Electronic Muscle Stimulators, are electrical devices designed specifically to produce muscle contractions - they are not designed for sexual stimulation or pleasure and tend to be harsher in feel than a TENS or E-Stim unit.
Their controls are more suited to bodybuilding than sexual pleasure or torment.
What do you mean by isolated channels?
An E-Stim box with isolated channels means there is no electrical connection between channels.One of the safety aspect of e-stim is to try to avoid passing current across the chest. If you have a power box with two non isolated channels it is possible to have current flow from channel to channel, so although you might think you are not passing current across the chest, you actually are.Examples are the E-Stim Systems 2B, the ET312 and the EM140.
What is the difference between a E-Stim Series 1 and a TENS machine?
TENS machines are designed for pain relief, they are not designed for sexual stimulation or pleasure. They tend to be less powerful and have levels of control and modes more suited to medical therapy. - It is one of the reasons some have a treatment timer, that shuts everything off after 30 minutes of treatment - something you might not want just as things become interesting. TENS machines tend to have unusual connectors which make it hard to use different electrodes.
Can I use E-Stim on my head, ears, neck?
No. The general advice is to stay below the waist, but certainly avoid anything above the shoulders - there are too many autonomous nerves that could be inadvertently stimulated by e-stim.
Is e-stim just for BDSM players?
No. Because of the wide range of sensation available, estim offers something for everyone.
What is the difference between water based and silicon gel?
Water-based gels and conductive gels are largely made of water and are normally quite conductive. Silicon-based gels have a higher chemical content and tend to contain compounds that can attack some rubbers and insulators although they are less likely to be absorbed and thus last longer than water-based gel.
The general advice is to always use water-based gels and lubricants when playing with E-Stim toys.
What is the difference between E-Stim and Violet Wands?
E-Stim units operate in the low voltage, low current range, Violet wands are very high voltage and very low current. A Violet want is very visual, but it hard to use internally, and has some quite serious safety issues depending on the age of the unit. Most violet wand sets are antique collectors items and should be treated as such.
Can I use a violet wand and e-stim at the same time?
It is not something that we would generally recommend. A violet wand is designed to use excessively high voltages (although tiny currents) that will destroy most consumer electronics - so your PC, mobile phone and any other electronics that you can think of could be vulnerable.
Simple answer - No.
Can I use E-Stim if I have a heart condition?
If you have a heart condition you should NOT use any kind of electro-therapy device unless recommended and guided by your medical practitioner.
I am taking prescription medicines can I use e-stim?
We cannot offer medical advice in this respect as there are so many medicines that are available, we suggest you talk to your medical practitioner.
Can you clean the electrodes in the dishwasher?
Certain E-Stim Electrodes ,such as E-Stim Systems Premium electrodes can be cleaned with care in a dishwasher, although we suggest you ensure that no cleaning solution is left in any crevice. Other electrodes you would need to check with the manufacturer. Always ensure any electrode is completely dry before storage.
Can E Stim be safely used in anal play for men
Very informative site! Other than the safety considerations listed here, are there any issues we should be aware of regarding the use of shock collars for remote play? It has been difficult to find
We would simply not consider or recommend a shock collar be used on a human. The can cause too much damage, and certainly NOT be used as collars.